Pharmacy Management Software


Pharmacy Management Software

Pharmacy management systems streamline the workflows for drug dispensing, medical claims management, and patient medication adherence. Pharmacy employees use these tools to optimize operational efficiency, leverage actionable data points, and reduce costs, compliance risks, and errors. With a pharmacy management system, any pharmacy (clinical, retail, independent, etc.) can automate and simplify daily tasks like drug stock management, customer management, and billing.

Many pharmacies can rely on the end-to-end nature of pharmacy management systems to take care of all of their business needs, but some systems are designed to seamlessly to provide a better clinical and patient-facing experience.

To qualify for inclusion in the Pharmacy Management Systems category, a product must:

Collect and maintain drug and customer data

Manage drug inventory management and fulfillment

Offer medication management functionality or integrate with e-prescribing or other medical document management tools



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  • Medicine Purchase Request & Order
    Drug issue to Patients and Billing
    Supplier & Manufacturer Information
    Maintenance of Medicine Stock
    Automatic Reorder Level/Minimum Stock Setting
    Alerts & Return of items nearing Expiry
    Destruction of Expired Medicines
    Physical stock verification and adjustment
    Stock in Hand reports with complete details of Medicines
    Smooth Work Flow
    Provision to store drugs stored box serial numbers.
    Drug expiry control
    Provision to accept return of medicines by patients
    Provision to return medicine to vendor
    Centralized view of Data
    Ability to improve store productivity
    Maintain records of all activities like purchase, sales, stock flow
    Ability to extend services like online medicine purchase
    It shows the report of all transaction for particular period
    Complete Security of Data

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